All products go through a process, from their manufacturing to finally reach the end user. Braskem Idesa promotes a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of each of them.
Braskem Idesa is one of the main players in the development of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) studies, specifically, High Density Polyethylene containers for detergent and milk container applications.
In June 2015, the information gathering stage was concluded and the next phase of Impact Assessment and Results Interpretation began.
The LCE studies the impacts associated with a product to reflect its environmental profile, considering the use of natural resources, energy, generation of waste and wastewater, emissions to the atmosphere, etc., for all phases; from the origin of its raw materials transportation and preparation of the same, manufacturing, transportation to markets, distribution, use and until its final disposal as waste. Braskem Idesa has the experience of Braskem, the parent company, which since 2005 has applied the LCE method to analyze sustainability aspects in its value chain. By comparing different products or usage scenarios, the most sustainable profile alternative can be determined, providing data to support business decisions.
Vitopaper® (paper made from plastics): The study compares the use of bioriented polypropylene (BOPP) film and coated paper. The LCE showed that the impact of Vitopaper® on climate change, for example, is 30% lower than that of coated paper.
Surgical kits: A comparative study of kits used in surgical procedures. When comparing cotton (reusable) and nonwoven polypropylene (disposable), the second alternative has a better environmental performance, since it reduces, for example, the consumption of water by at least 80%.
Acting in the value chain, the initiative of Braskem in the creation of the LCE Brazilian Business Network, a forum that brings together companies, by voluntary decision, to discuss the concept of LCE and disseminate good practices in the application of the tool in the business environment is also highlighted.
At the end of 2014, 20 companies participated in the LCE Brazilian Network: Basf, Braskem, Boticario, Danone, Duratex, Embraer, Embrapa, GE, Klabin, Natura, Odebrecht, Oxiteno, Pepsico, Petrobras, Raízen, Tetra Pak, Vale, Volkswagen, Votorantim Cimentos and 3M.
The Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS) took over the coordination of the LCE Brazilian Network in 2014.